New article – Human management of ongoing evolutionary processes in agroecosystems

We are happy to see that our new article is published in Plants, People, Planet. This perspective is the product of an international team of natural and social scientists. We are happy to contribute a new interdisciplinary perspective on the importance of smallholder farmers in managing the evolution of crop plants for sustainability.

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Introducing Postdoc Joe Gunn

We have neglected the blog because we have been focused on research! Here is a belated introduction of Dr. Joe Gunn, who is a postdoctoral researcher working testing if transgenerational epigenetic inheritance is associated with the evolution of insecticide resistance.

Joe did his Ph. D. at the University of Missouri, where he studied evolutionary processes and population genetics of fish and wildlife. Joe has successfully weather his first Vermont winter…now on to the smoke and floods.

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Erika’s review is published

Hooray! Erika’s first chapter has been published in Pest Management Science! And she was assisted by Casey McIlhenny, former UVM women’s soccer team goalie!

Cross-protection interactions in insect pests: Implications for pest management in a changing climate

E. M. Bueno, C. L. McIlhenny, and Y. H. Chen

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Congratulations to Patrick!

Food Systems MS student Patrick Shafer just published his article on the possible role of Entomoculture for building more circular food systems.

Farm to Institution to Farm: Circular Food Systems with Native Entomoculture

by Patrick Joseph Shafer, Travis Reynolds, Yolanda H. Chen, Eric JB von Wettberg, published in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, section Nutrition and Sustainable Diets.

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New grant to study the epigenetics of insecticide resistance!

We are excited to receive new funding from USDA AFRI Foundational grant from the Pests and Beneficial Species in Agricultural Production Systems program ($683,490). We will be studying the role of epigenetics in the evolution of insecticide resistance in the Colorado potato beetle, a major pest of potatoes, with Dr. Sean Schoville (UW), Dr. Stephanie McKay (Animal Science), and Dr. Russ Groves (UW).

We will be looking to bring in a Ph. D. student for the fall 2023!

USDA announcement

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