Archive for April, 2018


It is finally becoming spring! Almost all of the snow and ice have melted except for the most persistent ice still in some of the cracks around the area.  I did not however see many other signs of spring such as amphibian activity or flowers beginning to show.  I checked around common spots where amphibians should live, such as a small still pond off of a drainage pipe and around the bank of the river, however I did not see any sign of amphibians.  There were also no wildflowers blooming yet. the only green that was around was a small leafy green plant (picture included) that covered a lot of the ground around my site.   even many of the trees within my immediate site were not blooming yet, however some farther out were such as boxelders.  There were a lot of signs of beavers and birds however in the form of beaver chews on trees and bird poop all over.   The nearest edge is the river bank, where a terrestrial and aquatic habitat come together.  This edge is a boundary for many species that cannot swim across the swiftly moving river.  It does not however stop species such as birds that flew across the river as I continued walking down the riverside path.

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