Tag Archives: sustainable agriculture

Sheep – Pastoral Icon or Wooly Menace? A Response

Response to “Pastoral Icon or Woolly Menace?” (NYT January 26, 2014) By Kimberly Hagen Grazing Specialist, Extension, University of Vermont It’s not the sheep Mr. Monbiot, it’s the people that manage them, THAT is the problem. Ah! What a surprise … Continue reading

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The growing season if finally starting to take hold. I have seen corn plants poking through the ground, vegetable crops starting to look like something edible, and first cut hay is on the ground in some places with hopes of … Continue reading

Posted on by Kirsten Workman | Comments Off on Innovation is in the Air…and on the Ground

20 Million Acres by 2020

When it comes to resiliency, cover crops are a no brainer! Although the temperatures are still cold outside, every farmer I know is busily planning their cropping season.  Whether it’s a vegetable grower firing up their greenhouse and anxiously awaiting … Continue reading

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