Happy Holidays!


The Women’s Agricultural Network wishes all a very happy holiday season. The office will be closed between Christmas and New Year’s Day but we will be back on January 2 ready for a packed winter education season.

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Vermont Farm Business Planning Course Starts Soon

A course starting in January 2008 will provide new and experienced farmers with the tools to develop agricultural business plans to start or grow their businesses. Tilling the Soil of Opportunity is designed for farmers thinking about a new agricultural venture, whether it be to diversify their current operation or as a start-up business. To that end, participants will assess their resources, develop marketing strategies, understand financials, learn how and where to get funding for their businesses, and network with other farmers.
The course runs from January until late March. It will be offered on Wednesdays from 1 to 4 p.m. in White River Junction (starting on January 9) and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Middlebury (starting on January 12). As a new addition, the course will also be offered on-line with three in-person meetings in Burlington (starting on January 5).
Instructors for the course include Vermont Small Business Development Center business specialists Steve Paddock and Pat Travers, as well as University of Vermont Extension specialists Dennis Kauppila, Mary Peabody and Glenn Rogers. The course will also feature farmers, lenders and other agricultural professionals who will share their experiences with participants.
Pre-registration is required as space is limited. The fee is $395 per person ($50 for a second person from the same farm) and includes all materials. Please register by December 21, 2007. A check or money order reserves your space at the course. To register, send your check, made payable to Vermont Food Venture Center, to: Tilling the Soil of Opportunity, UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture, 63 Carrigan Drive, Burlington, VT 05405. Payment by credit card is also available. Scholarship assistance is available from the Vermont Small Business Development Center to participants who meet certain income guidelines.
A course brochure can be found on-line at <a href="http://www.uvm.edu/landlinkvt. Questions about the course should be directed to Deb Heleba at debra.heleba@uvm.edu or (802) 656-0233.
“Tilling the Soil of Opportunity” participants have found the course valuable for a number of reasons. One past participant said, “The course gave a lot of information I did not know [in order] to start my business, it was all very helpful.” Another found the guest speakers and resources to be helpful. “I got to know some very resourceful local people that will share their knowledge continually to help me be more successful.” Still another enjoyed the networking aspect of the course. “I liked the opportunity to network with everybody. I made some very valuable connections amongst the students.”
“Tilling the Soil of Opportunity” course was developed by NxLevel™, a national clearinghouse for groups involved in assisting businesses and promoting community and economic development. The course is sponsored by the UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture, UVM Extension, Vermont Food Venture Center, Vermont Small Business Development Center, and Women’s Agricultural Network.

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Beginning Farmer Class Offered Online

WAgN will offer two on-line sessions of Growing Places, a non-credit, pre-business planning course. Growing Places is designed for people who are considering starting or expanding an agriculturally based business but aren’t sure where to start. The on-line format is designed to serve people for whom travel time, family and work commitments make participation in an in-person class difficult. The course is instructor-led and includes lots of interaction (via email) with other students. But it allows more flexibility in terms of exactly when and where you do it. It is open to anyone, although people with slower Internet connections or who are uncomfortable with written communication may prefer the classroom setting (which will be offered later in 2008).
The first winter session of Growing Places Online will start the first week of January. The other will start the first week of February. Both sessions will run for approximately six weeks. Students generally spend between 2-4 hours per week on-line working on the course. Tuition, including materials is $125, but there is a $25 discount for people who register by December 10 for the January session and January 9 for the February session. Registration is open, and a registration form can be downloaded from WAgN’s website at www.uvm.edu/wagn. For more information about the course, visit http://www.uvm.edu/wagn/growingp.html or call Beth Holtzman at 802-223-2389×15. Limited scholarship assistance is available.

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