NRCS EQIP Eligibility & Resources

Flowers308.jpgCheck out the attached brochure from NRCS to learn about EQIP eligibility and the application process. The program provides resources that can help you implement important environmental stewardship practices on your farm. Oh, and the flower pictures have nothing to do with anything — I’m just so in love with my flower garden this year I can’t resist.
EQIP Eligibility Guidelines

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Take some time to enjoy the season…

Flowers08.jpg Summer has been busier than I could have imagined back in April when I was making all those plans for projects that I was going to get completed before September. Now, I’m down to one month left to September- and I’m a long way from turning my “to-do” list into a “ta-da” list!
But one thing I would like to to share is the link to the new eXtension initiative. I know I’ve mentioned it before but it is worth repeating. is one of the great emerging resources.
Starting this September my colleagues and I will once again be hosting a monthly webinar series on all things related to small business management. The webinars are recorded but live participation allows you to get questions answered. Look for more on this at the Entrepreneurs & Their Communities pages of eXtension.

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New York Time article

Hey everyone! Imagine my surprise when I was flipping through the Sunday NY Times Magazine and there was an article on women farmers in the northeast. Check it out at Hope you can find a minute to check it out — or just print it and put it in your ‘rainy day’ reading pile. Yeah, right!
And, as long as you’re logged onto the computer right now — help us out and complete the Extension marketing survey at Thanks!

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