What do beginning farmers want?

That’s the question we’re asking at a series of forums being held this month in Vermont. Funded by a SARE grant, we are inviting beginning farmers and some that are just past the beginning phase to take part in a research experiment to help identify where gaps exist in providing services to new and beginning farmers.
The first forum was held Friday, March 27 in Hardwick, Vt at the Center for Agricultural Economy.
About a dozen farmers sat in a circle and participated in a facilitated conversation about what they see as opportunities and challenges in getting started as farmers.
While a couple dozen service providers representing federal, state, regional and local agencies sat quietly and listened these farmers explored what has been helpful and what has been frustrating — where they could use more help and where they feel overwhelmed.
Beginning%20Farmer%20Focus%20Group%20Hardwick09%20025.jpg Fortified with local snacks, the group spent a couple hours delving into how to really help farmers get started. Since this is the second of five forums, we can’t say too much about the results except to say that we will continue to listen and then use the results to make the farmer support system more helpful.

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New Online Tutorial on Farm Leasing

Access to farmland is one of the biggest challenges for new farmers. For many, leasing may be an effective strategy. Leases can provide affordable, flexible and secure access to farms, land, and buildings.
Find out about leases and leasing — what’s in a lease, types of leases and how to negotiate a good lease.
Four short, easy and informative modules will give you basic information, lease examples and lots of linked resources. Visit www.landforgood.org/leasing/online.php to take this free tutorial.
Upon completing the tutorial you are eligible for free technical assistance related to leasing. You will receive details via email.
Land For Good is a nonprofit organization specializing in working land. We work with farmers, landowners and communities on farmland access, tenure and succession.
Funding for this project was provided by the Northeast Center for Risk Management Education
the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service

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Welcome back Spring!

The geese have been flying over the house for a week now and it makes me smile to hear how excited they sound — even when their honking wakes me at 2am. I’m always happy to see them return — they are one of my favorite harbingers of spring.
The seedlings are growing and the house smells of sweet, damp soil…life is good.
I have had several questions about what the federal stimulus package will offer for those in agriculture. Here is a report that details the provisions for agriculture and rural development. Download file
Here is the latest issue of the Ag Marketing News complete with information on a great new website that was launched recently. Download file

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