Farmer Jane

Farmer Jane by Temra Costa hits the shelves May 1. Pre-order your copy from your local bookseller.
Women are passionate advocates for sustainable food and farming and have been changing the way America eats and farms for decades. Farmer Jane tells 30 such stories of some exceptional women leaders that are working on this change by farming, educating, advocating, and/or transforming how we eat through their food businesses.

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Time to brush up on your farm’s financial position?

The Center for Farm Financial Management has created a new online workshop series to help farmers (and anyone who works with them) understand and use common financial statements and measures. Our new website, Interpreting Financial Statements and Measures (IFSaM), is intended to teach producers the basics of interpreting the 4 major financial statements and the 21 financial measures recommended by the Farm Financial Standards Council.
IFSaM is a series of online videos that producers can work through at their own pace. Each session provides benchmarks, based on actual farms, that producers can use to evaluate their own financial position and their financial performance. Case farm examples are used to bring the data to life. There are also optional “test your knowledge” quizzes at the end of each session. In total, there is over 2 ½ hours of information.

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Interactive web site helps farmers begin transition process

If you own a farm or farmland one of the most important decisions you will make is what will happen to that land when you are no longer able to farm it. Having a transition plan is important and the time to start the plan is now! Well before you intend to need it.
What is a transition plan? A transition plan is a written plan that documents the steps you will take to transition your transition to the next generation. Your plan will document who is involved (farm and non-farm heirs), the inventory of resources that will be transferred, your step by step plans to transfer management, ownership, income and labor, what retirement will look like for the owner generation and the preparations for an estate plan.
A new website, AgTransitions, helps farmers develop a plan to transition their business to the next generation. From this site you will gain information on how to:
* Develop your own transition plan
* Learn what you need to include in your plan with Tips & Resources
* Stimulate multi-generational discussions
* Share your plan with family members and your transition team
* Interact with Reviewers — your business advisors, educators, or consultants — for feedback and assistance

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