Farm Visits and Programs

While it may not be the height of the season, I’ve got farm visits on my mind.  Were any of you at the Farm-Based Education  Conference at Shelburne Farms on Friday? As described in the brochure, this was a gathering of “nearly 200 farmers, teachers, non-formal educators, philanthropists, chefs, historians, land conservationists, journalists, health care specialists, food system and farm advocates, and other farm-based education practitioners, partners, and community leaders.”  All these individuals came together to swap and build experience, resources, and inspiration.

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UVM Center for Sustainable Ag explores Farmers and Food Access

Women farmers who are interested in making food accessible to everyone in the community may be interested in our project on farmers and food access.  At the Center for Sustainable Agriculture we are researching ways for farmers to make a profit while meeting needs of the underserved. Continue reading

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Upcoming Deadline for Vermont Farm Women Fund Grants

For it’s upcoming fall 2011 award cycle, the Vermont Farm Women’s Fund will make three kinds of awards, including a special category to assist flood-impacted farmers. The application deadline is Nov. 8, 2011.

Vermont farm women may apply for Business Development funds, Leadership Development funds or Flood Recovery awards. Farm Business Development awards provide support for education and travel related to helping recipients improve some aspect of their business. Leadership Development awards provide support to help women farmers develop skills, access and opportunities to provide leadership in agricultural policy development. “Flood Recovery” awards will assist flood-impacted farm women as they consider their business options for the future.

Visit for more information. Click on the “Application Forms” link on the left to apply online, or, request an application package by calling Lindsay at 802-751-8307 or 1-800-545-8920 (toll-free in Vt.).

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