The Right to Food

Hunger and food insecurity are getting worse across the world.  This is the thought that has been streaming through my mind regularly since I did a presentation for a class of UVM undergrads who are traveling to Belize next week as part of the Hunger and Food Insecurity course.  I used to lead the trip, but not this year because I am taking a break to spend time with my 7-year old daughter. However, I can’t seem to let go of reflecting on the topic, probably because it is so distressing.Children in Belize.

It is difficult to put a positive spin on hunger, despite the palpable excitement of the young women anticipating their trip. The data is bleak.  In preparing for the class I was reminded that there are currently over 1 billion undernourished people across the world, and the numbers are getting worse.  Shockingly, the typical poor consumer spends an average of 40% of his/her income on staple foods. Those who suffer most from food insecurity are the rural landless, female-headed households, and the urban poor.  As developing countries have become more integrated into the world economy, they have, unfortunately, simultaneously become more vulnerable to world market shocks.

Examples of typical coping mechanisms for families faced with food insecurity are to sell assets such as livestock, purchase less nutrient-dense foods, decrease expenses on education and healthcare, redistribute food among family members so that those in greatest need get fed, and/or migrate. It probably comes as little surprise that people who live in rural communities and are able to produce their own food do much better than others.

While the international numbers are staggering, so is the data right here in Vermont. It is estimated that almost 14% of the Vermont population is food insecure, with 6% falling in the “very low food security” category (Economic Research Service, 2011).  The safety nets which are in place to feed our friends and neighbors obviously fall short of fully meeting food needs. I believe that a starting point for building greater food security is for people to agree that food is a basic human right.  The right’s based approach provides a foundation for analysis, action and accountability that is otherwise lacking.  If you are inspired, next time you find silence in a conversation with your friends or colleagues, ask what they think about the right to food.  If the question is posed just before you share a meal, the level of interest might be that much greater!

For more information about U.S. and international food insecurity contact Linda Berlin at the Center for Sustainable Agriculture.


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Grains & Hops Conferences

Our colleagues at the UVM Extension Northwest Crops and Soils Tea are helping to host two great conferences in March:

8th Annual Vermont Grain Growers Conference – March 15, 2012, The Essex Resort and Spa, Essex, VT, The theme for the daylong event–offered in collaboration with the Northern Grain Growers Association– for farmers, bakers and homesteaders is “The Seeds that Farmers Need.” Four concurrent workshop sessions will be offered on topics including open-pollinated corn, grains as nutrient-dense animal feed, resurgence of ancient grains, home-scale stone mill maintenance, bread flour quality considerations and gluten-free flatbread making.

2012 Winter Hops Conference – March 19, 2012, Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center, Burlington, VT, As interest in craft brewing in the Northeast increases, hops growers are looking for ways to improve production and yield, including growing a wider variety of hops more efficiently, to meet the needs of these brewers. UVM Extension will sponsor its third annual Winter Hops Conference–in collaboration with the Northeast Hops Alliance– featuring hops experts, researchers and growers who will share research and recommendations for growing hops in this region.

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Journey Farmer Program: Supporting Start-Up Success

Vermont’s new Journey Farmer Program is a two-year program designed to support beginning farmers who are in the first few years of running their own enterprise. Offered by the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont (NOFA-VT), the program provides resources and opportunities for aspiring new farmers to increase their knowledge base and continue developing the skills they need to farm successfully.

Photo of Journey Farmer Program participants from 2011, Lindsay Arbuckle and Scott Courcell, who run Alchemy Gardens in Shrewsbury, VT.

Journey Farmer Program participants from 2011, Lindsay Arbuckle and Scott Courcell, who run Alchemy Gardens in Shrewsbury, VT.

The Journey Farmer Program offers a range of services and benefits including connecting participants with a farmer mentor, a $500 educational stipend, free admission to NOFA-VT workshops and conferences, business planning support and technical assistance from NOFA-VT staff, and access to NOFA-VT Revolving Loan Fund. In addition, Journey Farmers become part of a learning community of other aspiring farmers and farmer mentors. For more information, download this overview of the program.

Applying: NOFA-VT reviews Journey Farmer applications once a year with a February 29th deadline, and will notify applicants at the beginning of March. Applications are available at or in hard copy by request.

The Journey Farmer Program was started in 2011 with funding from the Vermont Agency of Agriculture Agricultural Innovation Center, and is currently supported by the USDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program.


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