Category Archives: Uncategorized

Odds and Ends

This year we have had a seemingly endless string of cloudy, rainy, cool days. In my gardens this translates into slugs (lots and lots of ’em), weeds, Japanese beetles, and cucumber beetles. So far we have avoided the dreaded late … Continue reading

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Check out this short film…

While you’re waiting for the rain to clear take a couple minutes to watch this film by Art Bell at dreamlikepictures. You can find it by scrolling down the menu on the right hand side of the page until you … Continue reading

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Free Webinar on Sheep & Goats

One of our favorite resources has always been ATTRA (Center for Appropriate Technology) and now they have started offering webinars. The next one will be Sheep and Goats: What they can do for you July 29, 2009 1:00pm (Eastern); 12:00pm … Continue reading

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