Category Archives: Uncategorized

May 24 Deadline – Comment on GAP

FDA is accepting comments on the proposed rule to establish safety standards for the production and packaging of fresh produce. In order to submit your suggestions click here and enter FDA-2010-N-0085 as the keyword. You can also review what comments … Continue reading

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How Healthy is Your Farm?

It is easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day challenges and opportunities of running a farm that you forget to step back and ask yourself, “How healthy is this business? Is this business still making me happy?” There … Continue reading

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Advice for a Bright New Year

Step One: On a piece of paper, write the following three lists: 1. Top 10 Things I Found Challenging this Year What tested you the most? What did you find most taxing? What were your biggest problems, most difficult tasks, … Continue reading

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