Category Archives: Quality of life

On Being a Woman Farmer

I’m dressed in my sweatshirt and my knit hat. I have a knife in one hand and rubber gloves in the other. My husband says, “You amaze me”. “Why?”, I ask. “Because I don’t know many women who would do … Continue reading

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The Economics of Happiness

As we enter the holiday season, and the final days of another year, it seems inevitable that we take time to assess where we are in relation to where we hope to be. The following article was written before the … Continue reading

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Balance is Bogus– Manage Energy not Time

Every once in awhile, we like to share interesting articles we are reading on other blogs.  This one from Jody Urquhart, a motivational speaker and columnist, stuck a cord with the women working here at the WAgN office.  We thought … Continue reading

Posted in General info, Quality of life | Tagged | 1 Comment