Category Archives: General info

Vermont Farm Women’s Fund Deadline

The application deadline for the next round of Vermont Farm Women’s Fund awards is tonight (Jan. 24) at midnight. For more information and to access the online application form, go to: The Vermont Farm Women’s Fund is now accepting proposals for … Continue reading

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NPR Takes a Look at The Largest Minority in Agriculture: Women

NPR’s weekend edition interviewed two livestock farmers in its Weekend Edition story “Women Farmers Grow Strong.” The farmers were from Arkansas and Nebraska, but the themes they brought to the conversation are the same as in the Northeast: women farmers’ … Continue reading

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You Helped Make The Women in Sustainable Agriculture Conference A Fantastic Gathering

We have had such a good time visiting with the couple hundred women that are tackling the tough issues of interest to women farmers! Over 225 people came together at the Lake Morey Resort this week for the 2010 Women … Continue reading

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