Category Archives: General info

Grow on!

Kudos to WAgN Participant Lisa Ransom on receiving a $10,000 Vermont  Farm Viability Program grant to transition to Aerated Static Pile Mangement at Grow Compost in Moretown. Grow Compost began in 2009, using municipal and agricultural waste to produce compost on … Continue reading

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Support for Cover Cropping & Other Soil Quality Practices

The Vermont Agency of Agriculture’s Farm Agronomic Practices (FAP) Program is accepting applications for support for winter cover cropping for the fall of 2011. Applications are due August 1 for maximum funding. FAP is  also accepting applications for additional practices that … Continue reading

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More Flood Information

Vermont Emergency Management (VEM) is requesting that farmers of all types report damage to all parts of their property in the following manner so that impact info can be included in justifications for emergency declarations that are sent to the … Continue reading

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