Category Archives: General info

Remember Vermont’s Beauty

This just in from our colleague Deb Heleba, from UVM Extension: “Thought I’d pass along a press release from about its Comeback Campaign effort to help draw folks back to Vermont this fall and winter following Irene. “As part of … Continue reading

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If you can’t stand the heat…

It is August and I am in a panic. With the exception of eight quarts of blueberries and four packages of asparagus I have not canned, frozen, pickled, dried or preserved a single thing this season. Preserving the harvest is … Continue reading

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USDA Offers Compensation for Claims of Discrimination Against Women and Hispanic Farmers

USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) officials have asked WAgN to help get the word out to farmers and landowners that USDA has established a process to resolve claims of Hispanic and women farmers and ranchers who assert that they were … Continue reading

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