Category Archives: Culture and Society

It’s a good thing you can juggle…

It’s official. We have arrived at that time of year when you think you can’t possibly do one more thing. You’re exhausted. Your back hurts (not just in the morning now but all the time), the weeds are out of … Continue reading

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Sheep – Pastoral Icon or Wooly Menace? A Response

Response to “Pastoral Icon or Woolly Menace?” (NYT January 26, 2014) By Kimberly Hagen Grazing Specialist, Extension, University of Vermont It’s not the sheep Mr. Monbiot, it’s the people that manage them, THAT is the problem. Ah! What a surprise … Continue reading

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On Mother’s Day: Testing Your Food Waste IQ

In honor of Mother’s Day (I’ll explain later), let’s see what you know about food waste in the U.S.: A. What food category yields the most waste at the consumer level? Grain Products Seafood Fruits and Vegetables Meat Milk B. The average … Continue reading

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