Author Archives: Mary Peabody

European markets are wonderful…and different

I am a farmers’ market junkie. I can (and do!) spend hours roaming around taking in the abundance of all things animal, vegetable and mineral. Good markets are a feast for your senses and a tonic for the blues. I … Continue reading

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If you can’t stand the heat…

It is August and I am in a panic. With the exception of eight quarts of blueberries and four packages of asparagus I have not canned, frozen, pickled, dried or preserved a single thing this season. Preserving the harvest is … Continue reading

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March is Women’s History Month

In preparation for Women’s History Month we thought it would be interesting to post a few facts: $36,278 The median annual earnings of women 15 or older who worked year-round, full time, in 2009, up 1.9 percent from $35,609 in … Continue reading

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