Author Archives: Mary Peabody

Vermont Farm Business Planning Course Starts Soon

A course starting in January 2008 will provide new and experienced farmers with the tools to develop agricultural business plans to start or grow their businesses. Tilling the Soil of Opportunity is designed for farmers thinking about a new agricultural … Continue reading

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Beginning Farmer Class Offered Online

WAgN will offer two on-line sessions of Growing Places, a non-credit, pre-business planning course. Growing Places is designed for people who are considering starting or expanding an agriculturally based business but aren’t sure where to start. The on-line format is … Continue reading

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Organic Farmer Plucks Her Thanksgiving Turkeys

Run Date: 11/11/07 By Melinda Tuhus WeNews correspondent Female farmers are seeking advice from an agricultural organization that helps them succeed in a male-dominated field. One woman who was told she couldn’t do it 30 years ago is plucking her … Continue reading

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