Author Archives: Mary Peabody

Take some time to enjoy the season…

Summer has been busier than I could have imagined back in April when I was making all those plans for projects that I was going to get completed before September. Now, I’m down to one month left to September- and … Continue reading

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New York Time article

Hey everyone! Imagine my surprise when I was flipping through the Sunday NY Times Magazine and there was an article on women farmers in the northeast. Check it out at Hope you can find a minute to check it … Continue reading

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Vermont Farm Women’s Fund Prepares for First Round of Funding

Scholarships and Stipends Available to Vermont Farm Women-Deadline May 5 The Vermont Farm Women’s Fund (VFWF) is seeking applications for its first-ever round of scholarships and stipends to help women farmers improve their businesses and/or become more involved in agricultural … Continue reading

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