Author Archives: Mary Peabody

Business planning does make a difference

There has been a lot of discussion over the years as to whether or not there is a link between planning a business (actually writing out a business plan vs just winging it) and actual startup. A recent research report … Continue reading

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2007 Census of Ag available this week!

A record number of farmers invested in their future by participating in the 2007 Census of Agriculture. They will soon see a return on that investment when Census results are released Feb. 4 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National … Continue reading

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Maximizing Your Pay Per Click Campaign

The third, and final, webinar in our eCommerce series is coming up on Wednesday, February 11 with a special presentation by John Wells, President of WebWise Design. Since 1995, WebWise Design & Marketing has been offering on-line experience and expertise … Continue reading

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