Vermont Farm Women’s Fund Prepares for First Round of Funding

Scholarships and Stipends Available to Vermont Farm Women-Deadline May 5
The Vermont Farm Women’s Fund (VFWF) is seeking applications for its first-ever round of scholarships and stipends to help women farmers improve their businesses and/or become more involved in agricultural policy development.
The application deadline is May 5, and grants will be capped at $750 per recipient.
The goal of the fund is to provide women with financial assistance that is not readily available elsewhere. The fund is not geared to beginners, but it is unique in its focus on the particular needs of farm women.
Approximately half of the state’s 6500 farms reported having at least one woman operator, according to the most recent Census of Agriculture. The census also shows that women often operate smaller farms and have lower farm earnings than their male counterparts. Many women also start farming as new entrants, and therefore may have different educational needs than people who come from farming backgrounds.
The fund will make awards in two areas. Farm Business Development awards will provide support for education and travel to help recipients improve some aspect of their business. Leadership Development awards will help women farmers develop skills, access and opportunities to provide leadership in agricultural policy development. Examples include: new product development and research; feasibility studies; education in business management; and registration or tuition fees for leadership programs, seminars or institutes. Additionally, applicants may request funds to help defray associated travel, childcare, and replacement labor.
The Vermont Farm Women’s fund was established by Vermont author and photographer Peter Miller, who donated a percentage of the sales of his book Vermont Farm Women, to the fund. The fund has also received generous support from the Key Bank Foundation, Vermont Country Store, National Life, and individual donors.
A panel of Vermont farm women will make award decisions based on applicant need and the strength of the application. The fund anticipates making three to five awards this spring, so it could be competitive. However, a second round of 2008 awards will be made in November.
For more information, call Beth at 802-223-2389 or email

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