Changes to Vermont’s Current Use Program

During the 2015 legislative session, the Vermont legislature made a number of changes to the law affecting the Current Use (Use Value Appraisal) Program. They include provisions for the following:

  • A new calculation for the Land Use Change Tax (LUCT) (beginning Oct. 2, 2015)
  • A temporary “easy-out” period in which landowners can remove a parcel, or portion of a parcel, without paying the full LUCT liability (between July 1 and Oct. 1, 2015).
  • A new annual requirement for owners of agricultural lands and buildings to certify in writing on or before September 1 of every year that all enrolled agricultural land and buildings meet the requirements for enrollment at the time of the certification (form will be available in August).
  • Authority given to Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets to direct the Vermont Department of Taxes to remove agricultural land and farm buildings from the Current Use Program when the land or buildings are used by a person who has violated water quality requirements (beginning July 1, 2015).

For details on the changes to the Current Use Program, please see the following:

Fact Sheet: “Changes in the Law Affecting the Current Use Program in 2015”

Easy-Out Form CU-312: Application to Discontinue Land Through the “Easy-Out” Option

About Women's Agricultural Network

WAgN provides education and technical assistance geared to the needs of women farmers.
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