Juggling Farm and Family?

Female farmers with children are wanted for interviews as part of a University of Vermont study on child care in farm families. kids potting soilFunded by a USDA-NIFA grant, this study is looking at the ways children impact a farm business and is intended to help develop policy that minimizes the challenges and maximizes the opportunities farm families face when making household-level decisions such as child care.

Emily Stengel, a graduate research assistant, will conduct interviews in November and December. picking beansThe interview can take place in your home or on your farm and will last about an hour and a half. All identities and personal information will be kept confidential.

In addition to individual interviews with farmers, the project hopes to conduct focus groups at conferences this winter, and to reach producers from Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey.

Interested? Please contact Emily directly at 717-669-1666 or estengel@uvm.edu.

About Women's Agricultural Network

WAgN provides education and technical assistance geared to the needs of women farmers.
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