The future of agriculture is going to be just fine

I had an opportunity last week to meet with a dozen or so young UVMers that, incredibly enough, want to be farmers. In spite of the “doom ‘n’ gloom” that so often accompanies any discussion of farming these future farmers were excited by the opportunity to grow food and fiber. They were smart, thoughtful, and passionate…all important qualities in future farmers. Even more to the point they seemed quite aware that their path to a farm of their own might be a long one and that they were going to be expected to pay some dues along the way. They were practical and realistic about the work that lies ahead.
What were they concerned about? Land prices, regulatory environments that would make their jobs harder, and being able to sustain the necessary infrastructure that farms rely on — livestock veterinarians, equipment dealers, supply stores…
What were they jazzed about? The technical assistance available to them, the educated consumers, the growing “localvore” movement, great networks and a “Vermont” brand that just screams quality.
It’s our job to get the roadblocks out of the way of this next generation. If we do our work our future food system will be in great shape.

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