New Online Tutorial on Farm Leasing

Access to farmland is one of the biggest challenges for new farmers. For many, leasing may be an effective strategy. Leases can provide affordable, flexible and secure access to farms, land, and buildings.
Find out about leases and leasing — what’s in a lease, types of leases and how to negotiate a good lease.
Four short, easy and informative modules will give you basic information, lease examples and lots of linked resources. Visit to take this free tutorial.
Upon completing the tutorial you are eligible for free technical assistance related to leasing. You will receive details via email.
Land For Good is a nonprofit organization specializing in working land. We work with farmers, landowners and communities on farmland access, tenure and succession.
Funding for this project was provided by the Northeast Center for Risk Management Education
the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service

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