Welcome Autumn!

I don’t know what the weather is like where you are at this moment but where I am it is the perfect day to welcome the Autumn season — the sun is out, the sky is blue and the air is really clear, clean and cool. On these days I remember why Fall is one of my favorite seasons (I really like Spring too). Yesterday I found time to spend in the garden. Pulling out some of the plants that kept us fed all summer and tending those hardy plants that are still producing. I dug potatoes and the smell of turned earth is still hanging over the garden patch. I checked in on the winter squash and the chard and pulled a few carrots for lunches. Then a huge flock of geese flew over on their way to warmer places and, in the middle of all that peace and beauty, I felt a little sad. And that’s the bittersweetness of this season.

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