Women, Tools & Equipment

How many times have you had to make some modification to a common tool or piece of equipment just so that you could use it? How many times have you said, “would it be so hard for someone to make a _____ that would fit me“?
Well, it’s time for you to be heard! Join the Women’s Agricultural Network along with Ann Adams and Liz Brensinger of Green Heron Tools to share your ideas for how manufacturers and engineers could design farm equipment, hand tools and protective gear that would work better for women.
These focus groups are part of a research project to determine what works and what doesn’t work for women farmers when it comes to farm equipment, hand tools, personal protective gear.
Thursday, June 4 6:30—8:30
UVM Extension Office, Berlin, Vermont
Friday, June 5 11:30—1:30
Burlington, Vermont
Want to join us? Call 802-223-2389 x13 or email Mary.Peabody@uvm.edu

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