Have a business plan on paper by spring…

There is still time to get a written business plan completed before you head to the fields for the summer. Research continues to indicate that businesses that set goals and put their plans down on paper are more likely to achieve success than those that just “wing it”.
No time or money to take a class? Not a problem! There is a website that offers interactive planning assistance.
Informal and Formal Business Planning at INVenture. INVenture helps you think through the business planning process in the course of six interactive stages.
There is an upcoming webinar on using INVenture on Wednesday, March 11 at 2:00pm (Eastern). Maria Marshall, Small Business Specialist, Purdue University will introduce the interactive online business planning tool, INVenture. This planning tool is available free to the public at INVenture. If you are considering starting a business, have a business that needs a plan or if you work with entrepreneurs you will want to join us for this session. To join the webinar go to http://connect.extension.iastate.edu/ecop/ about 10 minutes prior to the start of the webinar. For more information go to http://www.extension.org/pages/Entrepreneurs_and_Their_Communities_Webinar_Series.

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