Need for professional development never goes away…

As we get deeper into the fall season and look ahead to winter it is time to think about where you’d like to take your business in the coming year. Now is the time to start putting together a professional development plan that will get you the skills that you need to take your business to the next level.
Going to conferences is a great way to pick up tips and build networks. For more in-depth learning it might be you’ll want to check out a workshop or class that lasts a bit longer and provided the opportunity to drill down into the subject matter a bit.
Another professional development opportunity that you might consider is online learning. This can be a good way to combine the need for more intensive learning with the convenience of not having to leave the house. If you have internet access you might want to check out the increasing number of learning opportunities.
To get you started let me suggest a couple of webinars that are coming up. They happen the second Wednesday of every month — they last just one hour — all you need to participate is access to the internet and a telephone and they are free!
Check out the schedule at

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