The season of learning and networking

It seems like from January through mid-March there is one great conference, workshop and/or association meeting after another. I guess you could spend every weekend learning something and if you add in all the new online courses you could probably make learning a full-time activity during the winter months. And somehow everything seems both affordable and worthwhile. I always learn something at every program I attend.
Probably the best part of all these activities is getting to touch base with friends that I don’t see often otherwise. There are about 6-8 folks that I see every year at the NOFA-VT conference — I don’t see them at any other time but that once a year opportunity is enough to fuel our friendship for the entire year in between. Strange…huh.
Anyway, I hope you find time to take advantage of the many opportunities that are still available in this learning season. It’s a great time to reflect on changes that you might make in your business…And of course checking in with old friends.

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