Beginning Farmer Class Offered Online

WAgN will offer two on-line sessions of Growing Places, a non-credit, pre-business planning course. Growing Places is designed for people who are considering starting or expanding an agriculturally based business but aren’t sure where to start. The on-line format is designed to serve people for whom travel time, family and work commitments make participation in an in-person class difficult. The course is instructor-led and includes lots of interaction (via email) with other students. But it allows more flexibility in terms of exactly when and where you do it. It is open to anyone, although people with slower Internet connections or who are uncomfortable with written communication may prefer the classroom setting (which will be offered later in 2008).
The first winter session of Growing Places Online will start the first week of January. The other will start the first week of February. Both sessions will run for approximately six weeks. Students generally spend between 2-4 hours per week on-line working on the course. Tuition, including materials is $125, but there is a $25 discount for people who register by December 10 for the January session and January 9 for the February session. Registration is open, and a registration form can be downloaded from WAgN’s website at For more information about the course, visit or call Beth Holtzman at 802-223-2389×15. Limited scholarship assistance is available.

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