WAgN & VT dairy farmers join efforts to provide healthy breakfast

Over 200 participants at Senator Leahy’s 11th Annual Women’s Economic Opportunity Conference got their day off to a healthy start with locally produced yogurt, granola and breakfast breads. The Women’s Agricultural Network sponsored the breakfast for the second year. The granola was produced by Jenn Colby (Howling Wolf Farm, 802-728-2045) , the breakfast breads were baked by Ginny Cleland, Four Springs Farm & Buttermilk Bakery http://www.fourspringsfarm.com/index.php. And the yogurt was Vermont’s own Butterworks Farm, http://www.butterworksfarm.com/.
One participant remarked, “Thank you so much! This is a great idea…and really tasty”. Other comments included, “wow, this is awesome” and “where can you buy this great yogurt?“.

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