My friends and I decided to spend some time walking downtown and then walking down to the water front. The lake has lots of ice at the shores, which we estimated to be about 2 inches thick right on the shore. The ice went out about 50-ish feet. We also walked to the ECHO center, where in the space where the big research boat goes the entire thing was covered in ice. At the back wall the ice rolled towards the lake, like it hit the back and was frozen in place as it started to move back towards the lake. It looked super cool. As you moved away from the back wall, the ice became fractured from more intense water movement and increasing March temperatures.
In the lake there is wooden posts, which are almost bulbous at the bottom because of the ice that has formed right above the water level.
Also at the ECHO center were some duckies! They were sitting in a tide pool on the shore in front of the ferry and we watched them paddle out to the open lake. There were both males and females, all with beautiful colored feathers. We also saw some seagulls flying around the lake, doing seagull things.
On the walk along the beach we went under the deck on the walkway, where a pigeon almost hit us in the face. The snow around the waterfront had lots of dog paw prints and some human prints. There was not much else in terms of animal life, except for some squirrels.