I went back to Redstone Quarry this past Friday; it had been raining for a few days prior so the brook and vernal pool there had filled up. For the pool specifically, the new water elevated it over a foot and a half off the ground, allowing algae to grow on the surface of the water. The ground was muddy, moss squished when you walked over it, and I almost slipped on the exposed rock multiple times. Since we are well into fall, many of the trees had lost their leaves, so the environment looked more barren and detritus was everywhere you stepped. Another notable change was an explosion of wild garlic on almost every piece of dirt, adding the scent of garlic to the petrichor and fall air.

The most obvious evidence of wildlife was seeing animals directly, like chipmunks, mosquitoes, and many different birds: blue jays, crows, chickadees, geese, and tufted tit mouses. Other bird calls were heard, but I did not really find more discreet signs of wildlife like tracks or scat. I did see a feather on the ground, but in general, if I wanted evidence of wildlife I had to listen.