Water Cooler

Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences in this forum regarding the conference.

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Thank you,

UDL@UVM grant team

59 Responses to Water Cooler

  1. Sherry Pachman says:

    I offer my appreciation to the UDL@UVM staff and conference organizers. Although I came to this conference voluntarily, I felt resentful about spending 3 precious May days indoors. However, the excellent organization of the conference, the exquisite combination of professionalism and warm, personal welcoming by each/all of the UDL staff, and the compelling content made me feel drawn into and a part of a larger community. I feel privileged to have participated in the entire conference.
    This conference was life-altering for me. I learned (using all parts of my brain) so much and made important contacts that will support my integrating UDL into my Spanish classrooms, and even my parenting. I leave with a sense of conviction, a desire to share, a long list of things on which to follow up, and a local and national network of people to support and encourage me.
    Thank you.

    • The conference was made by its community and you are an important part of it! Looking forward to the ongoing connections with you and all the others!
      Enjoy your new-found perspectives! I know I will!

  2. Jodie says:

    The CAST modules Skip showed during the final minutes of his presentation are completely helpful. A group from our College went through them together and we’re planning to use it as a resource for faculty and staff. If you get a chance, I highly suggest checking them out!

    As the closing of the conference edges nearer, I find myself looking back on the last few days. Its been an experience I won’t soon forget. Learning from the presenters and the participants has provided me more insight into other systems and ideas. Can’t wait to take it back and share it with others! Thanks also to the UVM staff for putting this together and hopefully this blog continues to be place to keep in touch and share ideas, applications and resources.

    Bring on the afternoon!

  3. Mary Alice Favro says:

    I appreciated learning more about the details/intricacies of how digital access works this am in the keynote.

    Mostly, I am excited about the new ideas for how to redesign my courses. Real hands on examples, e.g. the cell diagram video in Skip’s session this am and all the great ideas yesterday afternoon in the Smith/Croasdaile session are inspiring and thought provoking. All last night, random ideas of how to make my class more accessible kept popping into my head! A great outcome.

  4. Gina says:

    Incredible information from Skip Stahl this morning! His presentation was filled to the brim with resources I can share immediately with my post-secondary peers. Thank you!!!

  5. Jean says:

    The different levels of support available for the UDL Editions on the CAST website are fantastic. I wish the books I am currently using with my students were available here. I’m curious about the choice of characters for the coaches (ex. “Monty”); they seem very elementary, perhaps unappealing to older learners? Perhaps human avatar choices in addition to cartoon animals? What do others think?

    • Sheila says:

      I was thinking about that as well as I was thinking about trying that tool out.

      I’ve been bookmarking the many resources that Skip just breezed through. I’m glad I brought my laptop!

      I’m overwhelmed right now with the idea of all these potential tools and struck most by the concept of “Barrier Analysis”: not only trying to anticipate the barriers, but the importance of clarifying what the course goals and objectives are in building tools. There’s a lot to sort through here and play with, so I’m very appreciative…but a bit overwhelmed! Much to learn have I…

  6. Michael Washington says:

    Hello everyone. I was a presenter on the first day of this conference representing my institution from California (Claremont Graduate University), and I wanted to share a brief video with you that I made showing my work environment.

    It’s a typical example of the environment offered marginalized students in correctional education programs. UDL would work wonders in such an environment. Please click on the link below to view the 2 1/2 minute video. If you have comments or questions, my email address is listed at this link.


    It’s been a pleasure… Take care!

    • hbparker says:

      Thank you so much for sharing this window into your work in California.
      Holly Parker
      UDL Grant Team

    • Elaine says:

      I enjoyed your presentation and would really like to see this video. Is there a captioned version? If not, it’s pretty easy to upload this video to Youtube with a script and sync it (which would create automatic captions). Let me know if you have a script to work with and I’d be glad to help make this more accessible.

  7. Jean says:

    This is my first ever blog post. I feel udl is a process of hope. Certainly the idea that the curriculum is available to all instead of identifying those with disabilities as needing something the rest of us don’t liberating. Perhaps it is another big step towards truly valuing every student.

  8. Marie-Christine says:

    Great keynotes!!!! The neuroscience information was wonderful.

  9. David Blanchard says:

    Wonderful insights from presenters and attendees alike. Much is applicable to secondary as well as post-secondary teaching.

  10. Kerstin says:

    Great info sharing. Would be helpful to rate workshops as introductory, intermediate or advance.

    • Good point Kirsten. We have that on our list of ideas to incorporate next year. Being our first time out, we weren’t sure who would be coming. We have a wonderful range of interests, skills and knowledge here. We hope to mine it better next time.

  11. Toni Fredette says:

    I am grateful to be part of such a great group! After two days my glucose burn is very high thinking of creative ways to redesign my course materials!

    One thought that occurred during the Making Websites Accessible session, as W3C works on future standards, will they be consulting with groups like CAST to work towards making mark up languages include tags that support accessibility via UDL concepts and methodologies?

    As an educator and a site developer, I would love to be able to develop sites with specific tools to achieve UD!

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