Keynote 3 Notes

Day 3 (May 20th),

Skip Stahl Presentation: UDL (Revisit, Review, & Reinvision)

*Don’t name the animals you are going to eat*

Reviewed UDL and three principles.

Interpretive Challenges

Top Down V. Bottom Up:

“Perception is manipulated by expectation” The brain RE-activates and RE-creates memories by drawing on experience (this is RE-membering)

Top Down = What your brain thinks should be there.  Think checkered squares in a shadow.  Basically the brain is making stuff up (reality who knew?)/

Sometimes the brain takes over at the autonomic level.  When there is a conflict such a visual illusion (mergerc *sp? effect) the brain interprets things for you.

On to…Universal Design.

Moving the concepts of curb cuts (access for all) into the curriculum.

4 Curriculum Components being assessed by CAST and UDL





These 4 components are assessed by the 3 UDL principles




Check out you tube video “The Machine is using Us (final version)” for an example of the versatility of web 2.0, user generated content.  That is, web content that can be customized by You the user to display informaition in ways that work for YOU.

Assistive Technology

XML, a file type, is becoming the universal file type for using text with assistive technology.

Daisy Reader – (Explorer gh Player): Technology example using visual and auditory supplements for people who are vision or hearing impaired.

Represents the sequence of Braille and using screen readers is difficult to represent higher level mathematics for people.  (When this technology first came out it was EXPENSIVE) .  Now it is more affordable.

NIMAS – Expanding our technological vocabulary and use.

XML – Exctensable markup language – digital text that can be manipulated.  It uses tags to identify different parts of a whole by “tagging” digital media.

Think of a shirt with a size and a price and a materials tag.  This is similar to how a book can be tagged to separate content.  XML can be used to tag structure (body text of a book or a title/heading) with semantic structure (such as an introductory piece of text compared to a summarative body of text).  This is closer to how Braille works.

References in HTML can be used to identify these separate TAGS on a single webpage. This helps Braille transcribers by saving them time, thus they can have more turn over and more text can be made into Braille.

The Future & How is this relevant to Higher Ed?

Every student buys their own books (22,000 publications), if there is more Braille and XML there can be more accessibility.

This may squeeze out the market for publishers (think downloads from the music industry) – how can we make it accessible with control?

No market potential in Braille –  it is too small.

Legislated Solutions?

RFB&D – learning through listening.  An increase in human quality synthetic speech may lead to an increase in production from RFB&D, this will be supplemented by figure descriptions. – Free site that provides digital materials for LD students (print disabled)   Free versions of READ: Outloud are available. Portable mp3’s are available.

ACCESS Text – Publishers want to control where their texts are going.  DSS providers give access to students and this organizations send a request specific version of the text (like a course text book).

Challenges : The oversight body for Access text is hesitant because of copy right disclosure of students.

This would work for high school students accessing college texts.


Key Searchable formatted files, track what’s coming in and going out, request publisher files more efficiently.

NIMAS Initiative

Accommodation Takes time.  “Build once, Transform many”

One example is transcripts to videos, this helps many students because they can also read along or you can search a video by the words based on what was said. has different levels of support for the user to toggle, built into this program are “maise” features to help guide a student through understanding a book or selected text/audio. – allows you to download a complete book…or customize a guided way through a book, such as table of contents, gif animations, etc.

How to choose supported reading software?

  • Read Please
  • Read, Write, Gold
  • Blio
  • Read Outloud
  • Natural Reader
  • Kurzweil
    Check Out a simulator available at the AIM at CAST website.  Other software tutorials are available on this website.
    David Rose’s Note taking Strategy

Have 5 note takers taking class notes and then post them after class on a shared online space.

This increases competition of note taking.  With reciprocity there is an increased desire to take good notes.  All students notes are usually different and unique.  This provides multiple ways to get the same information.

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