Video to be posted soon…
Workshop notes:
Comment that, I don’t want to be with a teacher that teaches this lesson because they have a great app or tool to do it with – rather, I want to be with a teacher who knows their goal – and has 700 ways to do it.
Indeed, there are some things that are better done w/o technology than with technology
CAST just did a report on, ‘How do you do UDL w/ no technology’ – on UDL center website –
Technology is essential for kids – in order for them to be prepared for their futures where technology is second nature – it is really not okay to not have good technology at poor schools – Use the leverage of students with disabilities and current federal law – to get technology into poor schools cuz currently poor kids can’t sue the federal govt.
Susan Neuman – wrote book on education and poverty – David Rose published a chapter in this book
Good teaching is hard to do – we all need much more supportive environments, longer mentoring periods, tools that are much more helpful – must be embedded in the classroom
David wants teachers to be well paid, recognized for their ability to teach well and prepare materials well.
David talks about his own anxiety. (Stereog – ritualize things when we’re anxious. – goes to same resto, orders same food, etc., when about to give a lecture to students) David’s point in talking about this is to have people know that he’s anxious and how he consciously manages his anxiety – saying, ‘I’m not going to be anxious does not do anything’ and giving people more resources does not work either.
Bill Russell – threw up before big games, legendary Boston Celtics center — Soooo being anxious is okay, it was actually his anxiety that made him great – he did things to manage his anxiety.
We want kids to be in a state of challenge during school all day.
‘Education is about presenting desirable difficulties to children. UDL is about removing the undesirable difficulties.’
Sometimes people think UDL is about removing challenges. No! No Challenge, No Learning!
Elevate the desirable difficulties and remove the undesirable difficulties.
Kids need hard things. w/o them they would not have the opportunity to harness their resources. If I didn’t have to teach a class I wouldn’t know how to manage my anxiety. What we don’t want, is hard things packaged in impossible boxes so they cannot crack into them.
Tight goals, Loose on means!!!
Teaching is emotional work. In reality, they are able to recognize between the threat and challenge. What makes a good psychiatrist is what makes a good teacher. Psychiatrist mirrors their clients’ affect. They get burned out if they get worn out of doing this. Good teachers – our faces are like radiators – are able to read people.
Good teachers – choose something you’re not good at, and have students watch you learn it.
David’s mother was a wonderful teacher because, for one thing, she would highlight what each child was good at, and helped that child do that activity everyday.
David allows three different ways for students to access what is said in his classes (video, class notes, 1 more), and yet David and his students still show up to class in person. The human connection, face to face, is exquisite in it’s ability to effectively communicate. David doesn’t think it’s going to go away anytime soon.
Tech frightened teacher, very common, sixty year old teacher, ‘of which I’m one of them’ Go through affect – ask them if they’d like to send a photo of themselves to their grandchildren or pic of grand kids to them. Go to what is important to them. Access through affect.
As for students who are threatened in school – even if you say, ‘everything is okay. This school is safe, unlike your past schools.’ Doesn’t fix their nervous system from firing the way it has been for years. Ask the student directly, ‘this must make you feel nervous?’ and help them manage their anxiety/nervousness.