Notes by Holly Parker
What is UDL?
- Origin in architecture at NC state.
- Principles of UDL – equitability, flexibility, simple/intuitive, perceptible information, tolerance for error, low physical effort, size and space for use. (using the UD principles).
- using Burgstahler DO-IT site!
Class climate
- welcoming, no stereotyping, approachable and available, motivate all students, inclusively address indiv. needs
- delivery methods – prof. who sang his dissertation.
- delivery methods — large visual and tactile aids
- points to the handouts. fonts are large. on our handouts.
Information resources and technology.
- select materials early –
- and apply UDL concepts!!!
- all formats are accessible. people and technology.
- blog is short for weblog,
- wiki is an online encyclopedia.
- accommodations – reading level, language skills, availability of assistive technology.
feedback – regular feedback, corrective opportunities.
- what if the faculty were graded? what if the admin’s were graded?
- break out sessions were a nice way to engage folks.
- Asked about benefits of UD, Challenges of UD, why UD should be used more widely, and personal experiences with UD.
- Some interesting discussion among groups. Esp. regarding personal experience.
group feedback–
responses to questions? from groups?
benefits from UDL in classroom, and also the push back from faculty some are resistant to this.
puts everyone on the learning playing field together