Introduction to my Place

21 Oct

3 right hand turns are all it takes to get to my spot out of the main door of where I live in WDW. A right out the door, a walk down the bike path, across the street, down a foot path, another right, a brief walk through some woods, then a right into an open field of trees and small plants. Sitting on my observation log from a downed tree, every week I look out and see something new. The only things that remain the same are the standing trees and the high confidence course as the tree leaves change and the undergrowth withers. The wind rustles the fallen leaves that are now almost half gone with the pines standing tall all year round. Not too far from campus, but close enough to have an easy walk and still see Redstone campus in the distance, a perfect spot if you ask me. The fresh air, quiet aura, and bustling wildlife is more than anyone could ask for. Chipmunks are stocking up their dens for winter, wasps doing their last minute errands, and birds gathering all they can to make a warm nest, all seen from my log. The best part about my little spot is how when I close my eyes all I here is the sound of nothing. The occasional bus, rustling leaves, and chirping birds. Other than that, its my own little world and my own spot within it. Serene, peaceful, earthy. Its everything I want it to be. Now that the brief Autumn is slowly fading the cold grasp of winter approaches leaving in its wake the changing trees. The intense storm from last weekend has made many branches and trees fall along with many of their leaves. The normal way that I get to my spot was blocked off by huge downed branches that were bare of their leaves. The way that my spot was structured the trees caught all the branches and caused them to create a circle around half of my spot making it hard for me to get there. Once there though, it felt more secluded then ever. This time around there was something odd though, a ladder was erected in one of my main viewing areas, making little sense with no one around to take ownership for it. My spot to observe the seasons, all mine and no one else’s… unless, I bring a friend along.


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