During the City Nature Challenge, I was only able to stay around campus to find different species. Because of this, many of the species I encountered were the focal species we’ve learned about this year. I saw many of the original twenty-one trees we learned last semester, along with some varying shrubs and squirrels. Of course, I also saw some birds, but my bird identification skills are minimal, so I don’t know what species.
From using iNaturalist in the past, I find it fairly straight forward to use, I like that other people can see and identify your posts along with you, so you don’t have to be certain of a species to make a post. Globally, I think it’s interesting how many cities participate, and how spread out they are around the world. Looking through the list of participating countries, it was definitely surprising to see how many cities participated in countries like the Czech Republic and Malaysia.
Below is simply a map of the UVM campus, as that is where I looked for species for the challenge.