A Natural Community Eager for Spring

My pal Grace enjoying the sun in the freezing cold with me.

Although there is a meadow of sorts surrounding the solar panels adjacent to this site, I would classify it as a woodland. The area I focus on is dominated by trees, especially oaks and maples, and has a dense canopy. In all the times I have been there, even after rainfall, it has never once been flooded or even saturated at all, so it is definitely not a wetland. Vegetation is able to thrive here, as demonstrated by the surplus of trees and the fast-growing meadow grass.

The sun peaks through the trees.

As the vernal equinox approaches, I am thinking a lot about the changes that are occurring (and will occur) here at my phenology spot. We may have gotten a taste of warm spring weather, but the freezing temperature and snow-covered ground remind me that winter will persist for as long as she wants. Small plants poke their way through the snow, begging for spring. The path I follow is very slushy, and while the ground is still frozen, I cannot help but get excited for mud season.