Week 1: Announcements and Tutors Needed

Welcome back! I hope you had a restful and fun winter break. I am happy to have you back on campus and am looking forward another successful semester of tutoring. I looked forward to seeing all at the MANDATORY All Tutor meeting on January 24 at 7-9p in L/L 315. The first day of tutoring this semester will be February 1.
1. Regular hours – If you worked in the co-op last semester offering regular hours please let me know if you would like to return. It would also be OK to stop by or email me the hours you are requesting for this semester.
2. If you did not work in the co-op with regular hours and you would like to consider adding hours this semester please be in touch with me on or before the 24th to discuss your hours. You must offer courses that are in high demand for tutoring or have work-study.
3. We are looking for tutors to lead group sessions for the following courses: BCOR 12, BSAD 60, 61, 180, & 181, CHEM 23, CHEM 26, NFS 043, PSYC 1, and STAT 111 & 141. Please let me know if you are interested on Jan 24 or via email.
4. If you would like to add more courses to your approved list please provide me with a faculty recommendation. You can easily email the following link to your faculty http://www.uvm.edu/~learnco/sat/facrec/ once we receive the recommendation then we will add the course to the tutoring list.

New Tutor Training Packet

In case you misplace your packet from new tutor training and would like to refer back to it, another copy can be found here:
Download file

Other Helpful Links

This section of the blog is going to be a place where other current tutors can comment and share links to other resources that they’ve found helpful. So, if you know of a good tutoring resources website, feel free to share!



Tutor Trac


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