April Updates: Final Edition

Good morning, tutors and SI Leaders!

Less than a week left of classes and so much left to do! I’ll get right down to business.

#1: We would like to take the time to thank you for your hard work this semester and recognize our seniors.  Come by the fireplace lounge between 2:00 and 4:00 pm on Thursday, May 5 for our END OF THE YEAR CELEBRATION!

#2: If you will be in the area and would like to tutor this summer, let me know!  I will add you to a list posted on our website so that students can be in touch with you directly to set up an appointment.

#3: If you will be out of town before picking up your last paycheck, we would be happy to send it to you in the mail.  If you are interested, simply send me your mailing address.

#4: This PAY PERIOD WILL CLOSE ON SUNDAY, please be sure to submit all session records into TutorTrac and enter your hours in PeopleSoft no later than midnight on Sunday.

#5: SI Leaders, the folders for your evaluations are all set.  You can pick them up in the SI office.

#6:  The LAST DAY OF TUTORING is Wednesday, May 4.  You may not meet with students during exam week!  If you are an SI Leader or group tutor and you would like to hold an exam review session after May 4, please let me know when and where you would like to be scheudled no later than Friday, April 29.  I will need to put in a request for rooms with plenty of time to spare.

#7:Finally, would you like to WIN AN ITUNES GIFT CARD?  Please take the time to complete the subject-area tutoring or supplemental instruction program evaluation and you will be entered in a raffle to win a gift card.  You will only have until May 4 to complete the evaluation, so don’t wait!

Subject-Area Tutors, please complete this evaluation: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dFB5Z3daeVl1aXRmcVRwSjhidFAwN1E6MQ#gid=0

SI Leaders, please complete this evaluation: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dFFfNmZlMy01SHVnOHpkQjFCQTVzS1E6MQ#gid=0

Best of luck on all of your end of the year papers, projects, and exams!  Remember to eat well, get some sleep, and enjoy the sunshine when you can.


SI April Updates: Part Three

Hello, SI Leaders–

It is getting close to the end of the semester now, and, as per usual,  I have a few announcements for you.

#1: The last day of tutoring is May 4, the last day of classes.  If you hold Thursday sessions, you will NOT have a session May 5.  If you would like to hold an exam review session during the last week of classes, please let me know what day and time you would like no later than Friday, April 29.  It takes a little longer than usual to reserve rooms for exam week, so I’ll need to have all requests by the 29th to ensure I can get you a room.

#2: As I let you know last week, it is nearly time to conduct your SI evaluations.  I am waiting for a scantron order to be delivered (probably some time next week) and as soon as I get them I will out together your evaluation folders.  For now, focus on getting in touch with your professor and let them know that you will need to take five minutes of class time to distribute the evaluations.  If you lead SI for more than one section of a class, make sure you can make it to all classes to hand out evals (not just the section you attend).  If you need help administering the evaluations, let me know and I will help you out.

#3: If you have not yet done so, please schedule a time to meet with me for our final check-in.  I’ll clarify any questions you have about the evaluation process at this time, too,.

#4: Finally, as promised, I have included the link to the Supplemental Instruction Survey here.  As I re-configure training for next semester, your feedback is invaluable to me.  It is an anonymous survey, and you will be entered in a raffle for an iTunes gift card, so please take a few minutes to fill it out!  As I am hoping to include your advice for future leaders in my May 1 training, if you can submit your response by April 29 I would be greatly appreciative.  You will have until May 4 to complete the survey, however.



SAT April Updates: Part Three

Hello, Most Wonderful Tutors–

There are just under two weeks left in this semester.  Wow!  Of course, this means I have a barrage of announcements for you.  Here goes:

#1: The absolute LAST DAY OF TUTORING IS MAY 4 (the last day of classes).  Unless you have arranged with me to lead a group review session during finals week, you may not meet with students after this date.  Any tutoring you wish to complete during finals week must be done on a private basis, and you will need to coordinate with your tutee for payment.

#2: Your next paychecks will hit your bank account or the Co-op tomorrow.

#3: If you will not be in town to receive your final paycheck (May 6 or May 20), be sure to email me your address so we can mail your check to you.

#4: If you will be in the area and would like to tutor, let me know!  I’ll add you to the summer tutors list posted on our website.  Students interested in working with a tutor will email you directly and coordinate with you to set up payment.

#5: After the absolute last day of tutoring, we will be having a celebration to thank you for all of your hard work this year.  Mark your calendars for Cinco de Mayo.  2-4 pm in the Fireplace Lounge.  Seniors, we’ll have a special gift for you!

#6:  And finally, last but not least, I have included in this email a link to the Subject-Area Tutoring Program end of the year evaluation.  As I work toward planning next year’s all-tutor meetings and train new tutors, your feedback is incredibly important to me.  Please take the few minutes necessary to complete the survey.  Once you do, you can be entered to win a $25 iTunes gift card.



April Updates: Part Two

Hello, Tutors and SI Leaders–

With just a few weeks left in the semester, I have more announcements than usual for you.
#1: The pay period will end this Sunday at midnight.  Please be sure to record all of your sessions in TutorTrac and report your hours in PeopleSoft.
#2: If you do not have direct deposit set up and won’t be able to pick up your last pay check (paychecks will be delivered May 6 and May 20) please be sure to give me your mailing address before you leave so that we can mail your checks home to you.
#3: The last day of tutoring is, as per usual, the last day of classes.  Unless you have received prior approval from me to hold a review session for either group tutoring or SI during the exam week, there will be no tutoring after May 4.  If you are interested in holding a group or SI session, please be in touch with me as soon as possible so I can be sure to confirm a room for you.
#4: Our end of the year celebration will be Thursday, May 5 from 2-4 pm.  Make sure to mark your calendars and save time to reward yourself for all of your hard work this year.  And seniors, we have a special gift for you.  Thank you so much for all you do!
#5: I will be sending out a survey for you to share your input and evaluate the subject-area tutoring program for this academic year.  Keep an eye out for it next week!  (If you complete the survey, you can be entered in a raffle to win a $25 iTunes gift card.  nbd.)
All Best,

April Updates: Part One

Hello, Tutors and SI Leaders!

Let’s all hope that the sun sticks around for a few days.  I hope your classes are all going well and you’re not too overwhelmed by impending final paper, projects, and exams.  As per usual, just a few updates for you all this week.

#1: Pay checks will be in this Friday.  Go buy some ice cream.

#2: If you will be in the area this summer and would like to be added to our list of tutors, let me know!  We’ll post your name, contact info, and areas of expertise on the website so students can contact you directly to schedule appointments.  The Co-op is closed for the summer, so you will have to arrange for compensation with the students directly.

#3:  I realize that you are all probably getting busier as the semester gets closer and closer to the end, so I’d like to take this time to review policies for canceling Co-op Based Tutoring appointments.  The weeks before finals tend to busy for us, with more and more students requesting tutors and attempting to schedule appointments. When you sign up for availabilities in the Co-op, you are committing yourself to be available at these times.  I’m sorry, but it is not feasible for us to cut our availabilities at this high demand time, so I ask that you carefully plan your time this finals season to allow you to continue working the hours you have committed to the Learning Co-op and complete your own coursework.  If you work with students on a campus-wide basis, be sure to check with them that they have contact information for another tutor or are in touch with the Learning Co-op to be re-assigned a tutor if you cannot meet with them.


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