Archive for the ‘Weekly Announcements’ Category

Week 4: Announcements and Tutors Needed

Thank you for all of your great work tutor this semester. Just want to bring to your immediate attention that we will be closed next Monday 2/15 for President’s day
Tutors Needed: If you can tutor any of the courses below please email me and also obtain a faculty recommendation using our online form
1. Chem 42 (interested in someone to lead a weekly group on Monday or Tuesday night)
2. Chem Drop-in Tutor on W from 6-8p. You will need to be able to tutor Chem 32. This will give you 2 hours of regular tutoring each week!
3. Phil 004
4. BSAD 162
5. WFB 224
6. ASTR 005
7. BIO 004
8. MMG 222
9. CMSI 052
10. Math 271
11. CE 132
12. EE 121
13. BIO 264
14. MLRS 242
1. The Learning Co-op will be closed next Monday February 15
2. The latest tutor trac directions are on the blog The blog is a great resources for all of your tutoring resources and questions. Please visit the site soon and let us know if you have any ideas for additions!
Payroll Dates
Time submission and lognotes deadline: Sunday, February 21
Next payday: THIS FRIDAY, February 12

Week 2: Announcements and Tutors Needed

First day of tutoring is right around the corner. You can hold your first tutoring session anytime after Monday February 1. Please do not start tutoring before this time!
Tutors Needed: If you can tutor any of the courses below please email me and also obtain a faculty recommendation using our online form
1. ELE 121
2. BIO 264
3. MLRS 242 (Immunology)
4. Chem 42
5. MMG 222
6. BIO 004
1. First day of tutoring is Monday, February 1, 2010
2. We have a great new resource for tutors – A Subject-Area tutor blog. This blog can be a place to go reference announcements, review your training, look for extra resources, and share ideas with your fellow tutors. Please bookmark the following link and reference it frequently!
Special thanks to Dani Walsh for putting together such a great resource!
3. Tutor trac is up and running. Please let me know if you run across any questions as you do your first lognotes. For Co-op based tutors, please be sure to check 1 hour prior to your appointment to see if we have scheduled for you – you can check online or call the front desk and ask them to look at the schedule. The front desk phone is 656-4075
4. Attached is the current list of tutors by course. Please take a look at this list and let me know if you have any changes in your courses.
Payroll Dates
Time submission and lognotes deadline: Sunday, February 7
Next payday: February 12

Week 1: Announcements and Tutors Needed

Welcome back! I hope you had a restful and fun winter break. I am happy to have you back on campus and am looking forward another successful semester of tutoring. I looked forward to seeing all at the MANDATORY All Tutor meeting on January 24 at 7-9p in L/L 315. The first day of tutoring this semester will be February 1.
1. Regular hours – If you worked in the co-op last semester offering regular hours please let me know if you would like to return. It would also be OK to stop by or email me the hours you are requesting for this semester.
2. If you did not work in the co-op with regular hours and you would like to consider adding hours this semester please be in touch with me on or before the 24th to discuss your hours. You must offer courses that are in high demand for tutoring or have work-study.
3. We are looking for tutors to lead group sessions for the following courses: BCOR 12, BSAD 60, 61, 180, & 181, CHEM 23, CHEM 26, NFS 043, PSYC 1, and STAT 111 & 141. Please let me know if you are interested on Jan 24 or via email.
4. If you would like to add more courses to your approved list please provide me with a faculty recommendation. You can easily email the following link to your faculty once we receive the recommendation then we will add the course to the tutoring list.

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