Archive for the ‘Weekly Announcements’ Category

Welcome Back, Winter =/

Hello, Tutors and SI Leaders–

I hope you are all well this chilly March day.  To brighten your
cold-dampened spirits, I thought today was as good a day as ever to let you
know how amazing you are.  At this point in the semester last year, you
folks had had 403 tutoring visits with 186 students for a total of 300
hours.  This year, you have managed an OUTSTANDING 824 visits with 310
students for 729 hours of subject-area tutoring to date this spring
semester.  That’s twice as much tutoring, and doesn’t even include all the
work you have done with drop-in gorup sessions or Supplemental Instruction.
Thank you for a wonderful semester thus far, and keep up the good work!

In other news, we have received a few requests for courses in which we do
not yet have a tutor on staff.  If you have taken the following courses and
would like to help a student this semester, please let me know as soon as

PSS 124
PHYS 211
PHYS 265


Halfway There!

Hello, Tutors and SI Leaders!

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!  I hope you are enjoying this warm weather and all things green.

A few updates for you this week.

1. The pay period ends Sunday at midnight.  Please submit your hours no later than midnight on Sunday and, if necessary, turn in all paperwork before Monday at noon.

2. Tutor Trac may still be misbehaving, though we are making progress to correct it.  As always, be vigilant as you attempt to log sessions and if anything is amiss, please let me know as soon as possible.  Thanks!

3.  I have been recruiting in earnest for the fall semester.  If you have any interest in serving as the training coordinator (the new Dani) or as an SI Leader for CHEM, BIO, ANPS, or ECON, please get in touch with me before April.

4. As I work to recruit for the next semester, I am also interested in receiving your feedback in regard to new tutor and new SI Leader training.  Please email your praises, condemnations, and suggestions for improvement!

5. We have received a number of tutor requests in this first week back from break.  If you are interested in adding any of the following courses to your areas of expertise, please let me know as soon as possible; students are waiting to work with a tutor!
MMG 233
EE 174
PBIO 006
CS 110
BIOC 212
PSS 124



Before You Leave For Break…

Hello, Tutors and SI Leaders–

Believe it or not, we halfway through this semester.  And TutorTrac is still
not behaving…but that’s another story.

I have just a few updates for you this week before head off for break:

One: The pay period will end this Sunday, 3/6.  Be sure to have all of your
hours entered in PeopleSoft, lognotes recorded in TutorTrac, and work
summary reports and attendance sheets (for group and SI leaders) turned in
to me by midnight on Sunday.

Two: Because TutorTrac still is not behaving, you will need to send me the
information (student name, 95 #, date, time, and course) for any campus-wide
visits you have so that I can enter the lognote into TutorTrac for you.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT enter any sessions in which the course section
is blank.  Even if you write the correct course in the notes section, I
won’t be able to easily find and amend the session.  If you may have entered
a quick visit with a blank course, please let me know and I can search your
records and update the session.  Thanks for your patience!

Three: Once we return from break, I will begin recruiting in earnest for
tutors and SI Leaders for the next academic year.  If you are interested in
working as an SI leader, please let me know and we can talk through the
process together.

Four: I have had requests for tutors in the following courses for which we
do not currently have a tutor on staff.  If you have an interest in adding
the follwoing courses to your list of specialties, let me know!
EE 174

Enjoy your break!  I wish you warm sandy beaches, lots of powder, and
foreign adventure.


Week Five Announcements

Hello, Tutors–

I hope you are enjoying the warm weather and finding your boots for mud season.

I have a few reminders and announcements for you this morning (and My apologies for not sending this along last night as per usual).

First: The Co-op will be closed on Monday for the President’s Day holiday.  If you were scheduled in the Co-op, your availabilities have been deleted.  Enjoy the day off!

Second: Because of the holiday, the pay period is ending early.  I will be approving time today.  My apologies for any confusion; HR only announced the change of day this morning which, I understand, does not give you much advanced notice.  If you were unable to get your hours entered into PeopleSoft for this pay period in time, you may enter them as soon as possible and they will be approved for the next pay period.

Third: TutorTrac is still not fully cooperating.  If you work as a campus-wide tutor, you are still NOT able to enter a quick visit.  You will not be able to select the course for which you tutored.  If you have a campus-wide appointment, please email me the details of your session and I will enter it into TutorTrac for you.

Fourth:  As I mentioned in my last email, I will be working this semester to find a new tutor training coordinator for next year.  If you are interested, please let me know!

Finally, I leave you with a list of courses for which we still need to locate a tutor.  If you are interested, please let me know!

MMG 233
PSYC 121
EE174 and 275
BSAD 270



Hello, All–

I hope you are enjoying the cold and snow.  I have just a few updates and
announcements for you all this week.

1.  Tutor Trac is still misbehaving.  If you cannot select a student’s
course from  a drop-down menu when entering quick visits, please do not
write in the course yourself or submit an incomplete lognote.  Please email
me the details of your session and I will enter it for you.  I’ll let you
know when the problem has been fixed, but as of now Tutor Trac is still
working to find a solution.

2. Our wonderful training coordinator, Dani Walsh, will be earning her
Master’s and leaving us after this semester.  We are very sad to see her go,
but if you are interested in applying for her position, please let me know.

3. I have received a request for an off-campus tutor for Italian.  It will
be a private position and if you are interested, let me know and I can help
you coordinate with the tutee.

4. Finally, I leave you with a list of courses for which we need a tutor
ASAP.  If you have taken any of the courses listed below and would like to
add them to your list of specialties, please let me know as soon as

STAT 261
SOC 19
CDAE 253
EE 174 and 275


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