Archive for the ‘Current Tutors’ Category

Mind Your P’s and Q’s

Many of you are about to begin, if you have not already, interviewing for graduate programs, internships, summer jobs, full-time jobs… any manner of things really.  I thought this short article had some solid advice.  In short, remember to thank the people with whom you interview both as a common courtesy and as a way of indicating your interest in the position.  Good luck!

Also, to further help you all succeed on the job market, the Learning Co-op will be partnering with Career Services to host a resume-writing event.  Your experiences here as a tutor look great on a resume, and the Career Services folks can make sure it looks its best.  I’ll have more details soon regarding the where and when of this event.

Early Payroll Deadline and Tutor Requests

Hi, Folks–

Just wanted to send out a reminder that the payroll deadline for this pay period is midnight tonight. Please make sure to have all of your session records entered in TutorTrac and your hours logged in PeopleSoft tonight.

There are a number of courses for which we have received requests this semester and have not yet been able to match the student with a tutor.  If you have taken any of these classes and would like to tutor for the course, please let me know ASAP!

BSAD 162
CE 151
CE 170
CHEM 131
CHEM 162
CSD 165
French 107
GEOG 050
Geog 061
ME 171
NFS 163
STAT 201
WFB 224

Thanks!  I hope you are all staying healthy.


The Process (and Politics) of University Teaching

“We assume that telling people things without asking them to actively process them results in learning,” Mr. Wieman said.

This article from The Chronicle of Higher Education has some interesting things to consider concerning methods of teaching and learning at the university level.  As students, and as tutors, you have a unique vantage from which to consider these questions.  How does this effect your own methods of study?  How does it influence the way you structure your work as a tutor?

Research, Cookies, and Cash Money

Hello, Tutors!

A few updates for you all.

1.  You can find more information about the annual Student Research Conference  here.  I strongly suggest you all consider applying to take part in this event and that you all attend it this spring.  Lots of very, very cool things going on here!

2. There is a slight change in our regular payroll procedures due to the holiday on Monday 2/20.  You must complete your session records and enter your hours into PeopleSoft no later than Thursday, February 16 at midnight in order to have your time approved for this pay period.  Don’t forget!

3.  Finally, you gave us feedback that you would like there to me more opportunities to get involved with the Learning Co-op community beyond mandatory meetings at the start of the semester.  As a result, we are planning a cookie baking event for the full Learning Co-op staff.  Please fill out this brief survey to determine the best time to hold the event.



To make things easier for all of you loverly folks, I have added a new page to the blog with all of the current schedules for Drop-In Tutoring, SI, and the Co-op Schedule.  Feel free to reference them for yourselves or for your tutees.



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