Archive for the ‘Current Tutors’ Category

Webspiration Online Paper Planning

Hey Hey Hey–

It’s that time of year when you’ll have lots of tests to take and papers to write.  The website “Webspiration” ( is a great resource for brainstorming, outlining, and researching papers.  You can upload or insert citations from programs like EndNote and transform a full color web into an orderly outline with just the click of a button.  It’s great for visual learners and anyone working on a long-term project.

Happy writing!

On-Line Flashcards

Hello, tutors–

As I am sure many of you already know, there are countless study tools available for you on the internet.  For yourself, or for the students with whom you work, I suggest you take a look at Quizlet (  You are able to create your own online flashcards, then play games using the terms and definitions you have provided and practice with short answer, multiple choice, and true/false exams it generates from the material you type in.  It will even read your flash cards to you!  If you have the time, check it out!

Faculty Recommendation Form

To obtain the necessary faculty recommendation to work as a Subject-Area Tutor in the Learning Co-op, or to add a new class to the list of courses you can tutor, send the following link to your Professor for the course.  A survey will appear when it is opened and, upon completion, the finished recommendation will be automatically sent to the Learning Co-op.

If you or your professor have any difficulty with completing the recommendation, please contact Rachel Conrad, Tutor Program Coordinator (656-7841/

Welcome Back, Winter =/

Hello, Tutors and SI Leaders–

I hope you are all well this chilly March day.  To brighten your
cold-dampened spirits, I thought today was as good a day as ever to let you
know how amazing you are.  At this point in the semester last year, you
folks had had 403 tutoring visits with 186 students for a total of 300
hours.  This year, you have managed an OUTSTANDING 824 visits with 310
students for 729 hours of subject-area tutoring to date this spring
semester.  That’s twice as much tutoring, and doesn’t even include all the
work you have done with drop-in gorup sessions or Supplemental Instruction.
Thank you for a wonderful semester thus far, and keep up the good work!

In other news, we have received a few requests for courses in which we do
not yet have a tutor on staff.  If you have taken the following courses and
would like to help a student this semester, please let me know as soon as

PSS 124
PHYS 211
PHYS 265


Halfway There!

Hello, Tutors and SI Leaders!

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!  I hope you are enjoying this warm weather and all things green.

A few updates for you this week.

1. The pay period ends Sunday at midnight.  Please submit your hours no later than midnight on Sunday and, if necessary, turn in all paperwork before Monday at noon.

2. Tutor Trac may still be misbehaving, though we are making progress to correct it.  As always, be vigilant as you attempt to log sessions and if anything is amiss, please let me know as soon as possible.  Thanks!

3.  I have been recruiting in earnest for the fall semester.  If you have any interest in serving as the training coordinator (the new Dani) or as an SI Leader for CHEM, BIO, ANPS, or ECON, please get in touch with me before April.

4. As I work to recruit for the next semester, I am also interested in receiving your feedback in regard to new tutor and new SI Leader training.  Please email your praises, condemnations, and suggestions for improvement!

5. We have received a number of tutor requests in this first week back from break.  If you are interested in adding any of the following courses to your areas of expertise, please let me know as soon as possible; students are waiting to work with a tutor!
MMG 233
EE 174
PBIO 006
CS 110
BIOC 212
PSS 124



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