Archive for the ‘Current Tutors’ Category


Hello, Tutors–

TutorTrac is currently down.  Since you will be unable to check your schedules, if you are scheduled to work in the Co-op, please come in!  We have no way of checking whether or not you have an appointment prior to the session start time.

Also, we will need to keep track of all sessions using a paper session record system today.  Both Co-op based and Campus-Wide appointments will need to be recorded using this paper system!  Detailed instructions as to how this will work can be found on the blog here:

Thank you!


Tutor Requests 11/8/11

Hello, Folks–

Still have a few requests for tutors pending in the Co-op.  If you are interested, please request a recommendation from your professor (instructions and the link are on the tutorblog: and let me know (so I can keep an eye out for it) ASAP!

ANTH 021
ASCI 001
BIO 255
BIOC 205, MMG 205
BSAD 120
BSAD 265
CE 134
EC 060
EDSP 217
EDSP 280
EE 131
FREN 141
Geog 040
GEOL 101
HDFS 005
NFS 163
POLS 129
PSS 010
SOC 001
SOC 019


Week 11 Already?!?

Good morning, tutors–

Week 11 has begun!  Hard to believe…  Just a few updates for you all.

The last day of tutoring will be Wednesday, December 7.  Unless you are leading a pre-approved Group or SI review session, no tutoring should occur after this time.  We want you all to be able to focus on your own exams.

We have had a number of questions regarding working on papers for language classes.  Since papers are technically graded assignments, we cannot work on papers for students in language classes UNLESS they have received prior written approval from their professors.  You may work on general concepts and particular grammar patterns, but may not correct specific errors in the papers.  If students want to work on these things, have them ask their professor to email me their permission.  Thanks!

Just a reminder that if you have appointments in the Co-op, please be sure to go to the schedule to mark your sessions as “attended” (or missed, cancelled, etc) and to add your session notes.  Also, ask if your students have signed in at the kiosk and walk them out at the end of the session to be sure they sign out.

Finally, finals season is fast approaching.  Chances are you’ll be receiving more requests.  Remember, please return emails within 24 hours!  Even if it is to say you won’t have time until next week, please please please do not ignore requests from students.  If you cannot meet with them, cc me on your response and I will follow up to match them with another tutor.

Thank you all for your hard work this semester!  Keep up the awesome work!


Tutoring Updates 10/28/11

Hello, Folks–

Happy early Halloween!  I have just a few updates and reminders for you all.

1. The current pay period will end on Sunday.  Please be sure to have all of your session records logged in TutorTrac and all of your hours entered in PeopleSoft by midnight on Sunday.  For SI Leaders, Drop-In tutors, and work study tutors, please be sure to have your Work Summary reports and attendance sheets in to me by noon on Monday.

2. SI Leaders, I will need to hear form your ASAP whether or not you plan to return for the Spring semester.  The spring schedule of courses is available on the registrar’s website, if that will help to inform your final decision.

3. As an employee of the University of Vermont, you are required to complete an online sexual harassment training.  Please complete the training here: and email a copy of your confirmation of completion to me.  Be sure to keep a copy of this confirmation!  You can only access it once, but you need only complete the training once for all of your time as an employee of the university.  If you have already completed the training, simply email me a copy of your confirmation.

Have a great weekend!


Tutors Requested 10/21/11

Hello again, folks–

I have received requests for tutors in the following classes, and do not currently have anyone on staff who can meet these requests.  If you have taken any of the following classes and would like to tutor for it this year, please let me know asap and we can work on adding the courses to your list of specialties.  I would love to match these students with a tutor as soon as possible, so I look forward to hearing from you soon!

ASCI 001
BIOC 205, MMG 205
BIOL 065
BSAD 265
CDAE 061
CE 001
CE 134
CS 124
EC 060
EC 180
EDSP 217
EDSP 280
EE 131
ENVS 001
FREN 141
Geog 040
GEOL 101
HDFS 005
HIST 012
MMG 101
NFS 163
PA 308
PHIL 118
POLS 129
PSS 010
PSYC 109
SOC 019
STAT 183

Thank you!


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