Archive for April 7th, 2011

April Updates: Part One

Hello, Tutors and SI Leaders!

Let’s all hope that the sun sticks around for a few days.  I hope your classes are all going well and you’re not too overwhelmed by impending final paper, projects, and exams.  As per usual, just a few updates for you all this week.

#1: Pay checks will be in this Friday.  Go buy some ice cream.

#2: If you will be in the area this summer and would like to be added to our list of tutors, let me know!  We’ll post your name, contact info, and areas of expertise on the website so students can contact you directly to schedule appointments.  The Co-op is closed for the summer, so you will have to arrange for compensation with the students directly.

#3:  I realize that you are all probably getting busier as the semester gets closer and closer to the end, so I’d like to take this time to review policies for canceling Co-op Based Tutoring appointments.  The weeks before finals tend to busy for us, with more and more students requesting tutors and attempting to schedule appointments. When you sign up for availabilities in the Co-op, you are committing yourself to be available at these times.  I’m sorry, but it is not feasible for us to cut our availabilities at this high demand time, so I ask that you carefully plan your time this finals season to allow you to continue working the hours you have committed to the Learning Co-op and complete your own coursework.  If you work with students on a campus-wide basis, be sure to check with them that they have contact information for another tutor or are in touch with the Learning Co-op to be re-assigned a tutor if you cannot meet with them.


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