Halfway There!

Hello, Tutors and SI Leaders!

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!  I hope you are enjoying this warm weather and all things green.

A few updates for you this week.

1. The pay period ends Sunday at midnight.  Please submit your hours no later than midnight on Sunday and, if necessary, turn in all paperwork before Monday at noon.

2. Tutor Trac may still be misbehaving, though we are making progress to correct it.  As always, be vigilant as you attempt to log sessions and if anything is amiss, please let me know as soon as possible.  Thanks!

3.  I have been recruiting in earnest for the fall semester.  If you have any interest in serving as the training coordinator (the new Dani) or as an SI Leader for CHEM, BIO, ANPS, or ECON, please get in touch with me before April.

4. As I work to recruit for the next semester, I am also interested in receiving your feedback in regard to new tutor and new SI Leader training.  Please email your praises, condemnations, and suggestions for improvement!

5. We have received a number of tutor requests in this first week back from break.  If you are interested in adding any of the following courses to your areas of expertise, please let me know as soon as possible; students are waiting to work with a tutor!
MMG 233
EE 174
PBIO 006
CS 110
BIOC 212
PSS 124



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